
How To Put Text In A Box In Discord

Table of Contents

  • 1 From humble ancestry on Discord…
    • ane.i You Tin Acquire Crawly Discord Text Formatting
    • 1.2 Save This Page as a Reference
  • 2 Behind the Scenes: Discord'due south Text Formatting Engine
    • 2.1 The Rundown on Markdown
    • 2.two Highlight.js Makes Color Possible
    • two.3 Call back This Going Frontwards
  • 3 How to Format Text in Discord
    • iii.i How to Create Discord Bold Text
    • 3.2 How to Italicize Text (Create Slanted Discord Italics)
    • three.iii How to Create Bold Italic Text in Discord (Bold + Italics)
    • 3.4 How to Create Underlined Text in Discord
    • iii.5 How to Create Discord Strikethrough Text
    • three.half-dozen Formatting on International Keyboard Layouts
  • 4 Combining Text Formatting Options Even Farther
    • 4.1 Underlined and Italicized Text
    • iv.2 Underlined and Bolded Text
    • iv.3 Underlined, Italicized, and Bolded Text
  • 5 How to 'Escape' Text and Meet All Your Underscores and Asterisks
    • 5.1 That Concludes Basic Formatting
  • vi Discord Spoiler Tag
  • seven Discord Quote/Blockquote Tag
  • 8 Advanced Text Formatting in Discord: Writing in Color
    • 8.1 Unmarried Line Code Blocks in Discord
    • 8.2 Multiple Line (Multiline) Code Blocks in Discord
    • 8.3 How to Format Colored Text in Discord
      • We're Substantially Hacking Syntax Highlighting
      • 8.3.2 Here's How Text Coloring in Discord Works
      • eight.iii.3 What cardinal are we using for Discord text coloring?
      • eight.iii.4 Limitations to this Text Coloring Method
    • 8.4 How to Color Text Ruby in Discord
      • 8.4.1 Unequal Syntax Highlighting for Cerise (EASY)
      • viii.4.ii CSS Syntax Highlighting for Orange (Red-Orange)
    • 8.5 How to Color Text YELLOW in Discord
      • viii.5.i Fix Syntax Highlighting for Yellow (EASY)
      • 8.v.2 Apache Syntax Highlighting for Yellow (Limitation: NO SPACES)
    • 8.half-dozen How to Color Text GREEN in Discord
      • 8.6.i Diff Syntax Highlighting for Calorie-free Dark-green (EASY)
      • 8.6.two CSS Syntax Highlighting for Light Light-green
      • Bash Syntax Highlighting for Dark Green (Easy)
      • viii.half-dozen.4 JSON Syntax Highlighting for Dark Green (EASY)
    • 8.7 How to Color Text BLUE in Discord
      • INI Syntax Highlighting for Blue
      • 8.7.2 CSS Syntax Highlighting (Limitation: NO SPACES)
    • 8.eight Colour Formatting Takeaways
  • ix Discord Font Formatting
  • 10 Markdown Text 101: Digging Deeper
    • 10.1 The Markdown Tutorial
    • 10.ii The Markdown Cheatsheet
    • 10.3 The Official Discord Markdown Guide
  • 11 Now It's Your Turn

From humble beginnings on Discord…

I was a complete newbie back then when I joined my first Discord channel.

People were typing in underlines, bolded letters, strikethrough text, italics, and even colors within the Discord chat! "How in the world do people type in colors within their Discord message?!", I idea.

I tried to type "/bold hello guys!", simply that obviously didn't work. It only made it obvious I had no clue what I was doing. What kind of Discord command(due south) were they using to format their text so nicely?

Discord Blue Logo

You Tin Acquire Crawly Discord Text Formatting

If y'all're reading this, you've probably been that guy or gal (or you lot're trying to avert all the disappointment and become a Discord text formatting wiz!)

Either way, today I'm going to show you lot how to type out literally every single format the Discord App offers.

You'll acquire the basics behind Discord'due south formatting engine (Markdown & Highlight.js), basic formatting commands (bolding, italicizing, underlining, etc.), and you'll learn how to blazon out text in boxes and code blocks — in colour!

Save This Page equally a Reference

One time you accept the basics down Discord formatting isn't besides bad.

While you lot're all the same learning the commands though, it may be a good idea to proceed this folio open for reference (or bookmarked).

Anyways, enough talk — let's get formatting!

Behind the Scenes: Discord'due south Text Formatting Engine

While we sit down there chatting away on Discord day after mean solar day, in that location'due south a sleek, lightweight engine working in the background, formatting all of our text.

This "engine" is called Markdown.

The Rundown on Markdown

Originally created in 2004 past John Gruber and Aaron Swartz, Markdown is a markup language designed to be lightweight and simple to read/write. Information technology'south completely text-based and uses cleverly placed symbols to format words in bold, italics, underlined, etc.

Although it's been most commonly used to format readme files, forum discussions, and to turn patently text into rich text in basic text editors, Discord's developers saw its potential and brought it into the cadre software.

We're going to dig into Discord Markdown in the next section and then yous tin can learn how to properly format all of your messages in any mode y'all'd like.

Highlight.js Makes Color Possible

Before nosotros dig into markdown I wanted to explain some other bang-up characteristic the Discord developers added on. It's a library called Highlight.js.

At present, I want to go far clear that Discord doesn't have true full-text highlighting. Yous tin can't say, "I want this give-and-take to be in red, and this ane to be in bluish!". That kind of highlighting doesn't exist.

Whatdoes exist for our text-coloring purposes, though, is a "hacked" version of text highlighting using syntax coloring methods from highlight.js.

Fifty-fifty though nosotros can't directly highlight text, wecan create a Discord code block, indicate it towards a specific syntax highlighting profile included in highlight.js, and then utilise that to our advantage by wrapping our text in the appropriate symbols.

This will all make much more sense when we get to some juicy examples down below.

Remember This Going Forrad

You don't take to remember all those nitty-gritty details. For at present, all you lot have to know is that Discord uses Markdown for its text formatting, and Highlight.js for code block highlighting.

I'll show you how to have advantage of these formatting options in the next section.

How to Format Text in Discord

And now the fun begins. I'grand going to evidence you how to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text every bit a starting betoken.

Nosotros'll start with the nuts, and and then move on to creating code blocks for text coloring.

How to Create Discord Bold Text

To create bolded text in discord, all you have to do is first and end the bolded text with ii asterisks (*).

The asterisk isSHIFT+eight on your keyboard.

If you look at the image below, you'll notice that I put two asterisks, or stars, in front end of and after the text I wanted to exist in bold.

Here's what I typed and the result produced:

          Here's an example of **bolded text**        
Discord Bold Text Formatting - Writebots

How to Italicize Text (Create Slanted Discord Italics)

To create italics or Discord italic text, you have to type the asterisk again, but this timeapply merely one asterisk.

To bold text, we used ii asterisks, similar this: **assuming text**

For italics, we would do the aforementioned matter simply with ane single asterisk: *italicized text*

Over again, the asterisk (star) isSHIFT+8 on your keyboard.

Here'south what I typed to get the issue shown in the image beneath:

          Hither's an example of *italicized text*        
Discord Italic Text Formatting - Writebots

How to Create Bold Italic Text in Discord (Assuming + Italics)

Yous might've been able to guess the markdown for Bold + Italics past now…

Instead of only one or two asterisks, it'sthree asterisks.

          Here'southward an case of ***assuming italicized text***        
Discord Bold Italic Text Formatting - Writebots

How to Create Underlined Text in Discord

To format our text as underlined, we need 2 use ii underscores (__)

This is meant to be a thorough guide, and so I'k including the keyboard layout for an underscore below (in case you're reading this and accept never yet had to type an underscore before!):

Discord Underscore Key, Keyboard Layout - Writebots

I typed this to get the event below:

          Here's an example of __underlined text__        
Discord Underlined Text Formatting - Writebots

How to Create Discord Strikethrough Text

For strikethrough text, we need to use the tilde (~) key.

Two tildes cantankerous out, or 'strike through', the text y'all type.

Hither's the keyboard layout (yellow highlighted keys) for typing a tilde. You lot take to hittingSHIFT + ~.

Discord Text Formatting Tilde Keyboard Layout - Writebots

Here's what I typed below:

          Here's an example of ~~crossed out~~ text        
Discord Strikethrough Text Formatting - Writebots

Formatting on International Keyboard Layouts

A reader recently pointed out that international keyboard layouts should be considered besides. Here we make the supposition of the asterisk being "Shift + 8" and the tilde beingness "Shift + Backtick (`)", but this isn't always the case.

Here are some additional keyboard layouts that international users might encounter, and an example of where the asterisk would be on each of these layouts.

German language: Shift+[+] (key right of Ăœ)
Spanish: Shift+[+] (key right of `^ (Spain) or ´¨ (Latin America))
French (France): * (key right of Ă¹%)
French (Belgium): Shift+$ (key right of ^¨)
French (Switzerland): Shift+three
Italian: Shift+[+] (key correct of èé)
Swedish: Shift+' (key right of Ă„)

If you find yourself using i of these alternative keyboard layouts, experience free to accommodate accordingly.

A vast majority of users typically apply the standard English keyboard (which is why we accommodated it by default), merely we wanted to admit alternative layouts and that all of this can exist done no matter what your layout is.

Combining Text Formatting Options Fifty-fifty Further

Nosotros tin also combine the underline into bold, italics, and bold+italics.

Hither's an example:

Underlined and Italicized Text

          __*underlined and italicized text*__        
Discord Underlined And Italicized Text Formatting - Writebots

Underlined and Bolded Text

          __**underlined and bolded text**__        
Discord Underlined And Bolded Text Formatting - Writebots

Underlined, Italicized, and Bolded Text

          __***underlined, italicized, and bolded text***__        
Discord Underlined, Italicized, And Bolded Text Formatting - Writebots

How to 'Escape' Text and See All Your Underscores and Asterisks

In case you actuallywant to see your underscores or asterisks in a message (like in an emoji, for example), y'all can utilise the backslash '\' central to skip markdown formatting and show the text but like information technology is.

Take a peek at the instance below (notice the backslashes '\' at the beginning of each character).

Theexcessive backslashes are needed here considering I have underscores in my message.

          \_\_\*\*\*I want this to be shown in its full celebrity!\*\*\*\_\_\_        
Discord Escape Character Formatting - Writebots

But notice that thebackslashes at the end really aren't required if you have them all in the start:

Discord Escape Character Formatting - Writebots

If I didn't accept underscores, a single backslash '\' would exercise:

          \**starred message with no underscores!**        
Discord Escape Character Formatting - Writebots

That Concludes Basic Formatting

And that's it for basic formatting. Information technology'south pretty simple stuff, and you should accept it down after a few letters.

The only keys you have to remember are Underscores, Asterisks (Stars), and Backslashes.

Discord Spoiler Tag

If you want to write a "spoiler" or something everyone in your aqueduct shouldn't run across immediately (unless they choose to remove the spoiler cake), and so yous can use the Discord spoiler tag.

Y'all can create spoiler text like so:

          || Spoiler Text ||        

All you have to do is encompass your spoiler with double-bars or double-pipage characters.

This will show up like so when blocked:

Image - Discord Text Formatting

So once revealed, your channel will see this:

Image 1 - Discord Text Formatting

Discord Quote/Blockquote Tag

For quoting something, there's a simple "quote/blockquote" tag implemented in Discord.

You can do this by simply adding the right-carat grapheme '>':

          > text here        

This will look like so after typed out in Discord:

Image 2 - Discord Text Formatting

You can also quote multiple lines by using the triple correct-carat '>>>', or by typing out a line with a unmarried quote '>' and then holding SHIFT+ENTER to create a new line inside the same quote block.

Image 3 - Discord Text Formatting

Avant-garde Text Formatting in Discord: Writing in Color

And at present we get to the fun function… formatting our discord messages in color!

Once yous start getting some colorful messages out in that location in the channels you lot frequently visit, you'll start getting asked how it's washed.

We're going to comprehend some basics (code blocks), and and then jump right into coloring your messages! Allow'south get to it!

Unmarried Line Code Blocks in Discord

To create a single line code cake in discord, you demand to use the 'tick' or 'backtick' character: `.

Since this key tin be a difficult key to observe if you've never had to use it before (upwardly until this point), I included a nice highlighted keyboard layout diagram below:

Discord Tick Backtick Keyboard Layout - Writebots

The 'tick' or 'backtick' character should be in theupper left corner of your keyboard right under the escape (ESC) primal.

Once you're familiar with the 'backtick' fundamental, allow's create a single line code block. All yous accept to do is put asingle backtick before and after your text.

Here'south what I wrote for the example below:

          `This is an instance of a single line lawmaking block`        
Discord Single Line Code Block Formatting - Writebots

Multiple Line (Multiline) Lawmaking Blocks in Discord

But like the single-line code cake, multi-line code blocks also use the backtick ("`) grapheme. The only difference is, instead of writing a single backtick (`) you have to write 3 ("`) before and later your text.

The neat thing here is that yous can press enter and space your text beyond multiple lines, all formatted in a single multi-line lawmaking cake.

Hither's the markdown for the example beneath:

          ```Experimenting with … … Multiple lines… … For my lawmaking blocks!```        
Discord Multi Line Code Block Formatting - Writebots

Yous'll notice in the prototype higher up that we have all of our text in a code block, just this time it's in multiple lines just similar we wanted.

How to Format Colored Text in Discord

And at present the moment we've all been waiting for… [drumroll]Colored Text!

I was searching around the web for a practiced example of some colored text formatting in Discord, only couldn't find annihilation clear.

There were some examples, only they were pretty hazy. I couldn't find a single guide thatclearly showed you lot how to format your text if you wanted information technology to exist in a certain color.

We're Essentially Hacking Syntax Highlighting

As I mentioned in the intro, what we're going to be doing hither is 'hacking' or 'hijacking' syntax highlighting from Highlight.js running in the background in Discord.

We have to do this because, every bit of writing this, Discord doesn't have built-in text highlighting functions.

As a result, we'll have to do a fiddling bit of a workaround — but as long equally it works, it works!

Here'south How Text Coloring in Discord Works

Since we'll exist using a workaround based on Highlight.js, here's how it's going to work.

Nosotros will be creating multiline lawmaking blocks using three backticks andspecifying the syntax highlighting linguistic communication.

Nosotros can practice this by including the highlighting programming language reference correct at the beginning of the multiline code block.

Just like this, for example. Here nosotros are specifying 'Apache' as the syntax highlighting language:

          ```apache Some text goes hither... ```        

Nosotros'll be "exploiting" some syntax highlighting and using it to our advantage for coloring some text.

I included about of the colors you'd expect to use below, and tried to prove the differences between various language references.

What fundamental are we using for Discord text coloring?

We're using a grapheme called the "backtick", that'due south found on nearly keyboards in the upper left-mitt corner right above the "TAB" key.

          ``` This is the backtick key        

On macOS and Scandinavian keyboard layouts, the backtick is located on the upper-correct corner of the keyboard correct next to the "BACKSPACE" key.

Limitations to this Text Coloring Method

There are (unfortunately) limitations to this method. The almost common limitation is, your text has to be connected in 1 word in some referenced syntax highlighting languages (not all!).

This means yous can't type: This is a sentence.

You'll take to type: This_is_a_sentence OR Thisisasentence.

Why is this? Well, since we're exploiting syntax highlighting to highlight our Discord messages, we're basically trying to brand the multiline code cake recall that our message is literal programming lawmaking.

Most of the fourth dimension the colors nosotros want are contained in variables, which by definition, can't incorporate whatever spaces.

One identify this does work well is inlawmaking commentsandstrings. I tried to include code comments and strings in each of the colors below equally frequently as possible (to make it easy to type out).

If you look closely, you'll find I did include some variables and mentioned that you tin can't take spaces if you choose to use those formatting methods. Even then, this may all the same exist a perfectly feasible method for single words.

Anyways, that'due south enough yapping from me — let'southward become coloring!

How to Colour Text Red in Discord

Diff Syntax Highlighting for Cherry (EASY)

Include dashes (-) before the line you want red-colored text.

          ```unequal - Hither'south some red colored text! ```        
Red Colored Text Formatting In Discord - Writebots

CSS Syntax Highlighting for Orangish (Blood-red-Orange)

Include brackets [ ] around the text y'all desire to be highlighted.

          ```css [Ruddy Colored Text in CSS Highlighting] ```        
Red Colored Text Formatting In Discord - Writebots

How to Color Text Yellowish in Discord

Fix Syntax Highlighting for Yellow (EASY)

In Fix, everything you type is yellow by default! This is a nifty, easy way to have yellow text.

          ```set up Everything is yellow in set up -- No matter the line!  ```        
19 Fix New 1 - Discord Text Formatting

Apache Syntax Highlighting for Yellow (Limitation: NO SPACES)

Include a per centum sign and right curly brace, %{, at the beginning of your text, and a left curly caryatid, }, at the end to highlight your text yellowish in Apache syntax.

          ```apache %{Dark_YELLOW_Colored_Text} ```        
Yellow Colored Text Formatting In Discord - Writebots

How to Color Text GREEN in Discord

Diff Syntax Highlighting for Light Dark-green (EASY)

Include a plus sign (+) earlier the line that you lot want turned green.

          ```unequal + Here's some green colored text! ```        
Light Green Colored Text Formatting In Discord - Writebots

CSS Syntax Highlighting for Low-cal Green

Include quotation marks " " around the text y'all want colored Light Green.

          ```css "Here's some nice LIGHT Dark-green colored text" ```        
Light Green Colored Text Formatting In Discord - Writebots

Bash Syntax Highlighting for Dark Green (Easy)

Quotation marks around your text " "

          ```bash "Here'south some nice, dark light-green text" ```        

Note:This dark green color and quotation marks effectually your text too work in a bunch of other reference languages, non but "bash". Information technology works with "coffeescript", "cpp", and many more.

Green Colored Text Formatting In Discord - Writebots

JSON Syntax Highlighting for Dark Green (EASY)

Only like in Fustigate, quotation marks around the text you lot want to colour nighttime green.

          ```json "Dark-green colored text in JSON" ```        
Green Colored Text Formatting In Discord

How to Color Text Blueish in Discord

INI Syntax Highlighting for Blueish

Identify brackets [ ] effectually the text you want to be highlighted blueish.

          ```ini [Hither'south some blueish highlighted text] ```        
Discord Blue Colored Text Formatting - Writebots

CSS Syntax Highlighting (Limitation: NO SPACES)

Put a single dot (.) in front of the text you lot want colored blue, and make sure you don't have any spaces in the line.

          ```css .dark_BLUE_text_without_spaces ```        
Discord Blue Colored Text Formatting - Writebots

Color Formatting Takeaways

As you've probably noticed, there are limitations to using this method (such as having to blazon no spaces for sure colors).

But the nearly important thing is, we tin can nevertheless color our text relatively easily!

I'd recommend using the DIFF, BASH, Ready, and CSS highlighting above (for cherry, green, yellowish, and blue respectively).

Either manner, the examples higher up include several shades of the primary syntax highlighting colors, and letting you experiment with them in your messages.

Discord Font Formatting

Is it possible to create custom Discord font formats within the Discord App? The answer is yes, although it may be a bit "choosy" at times due to the font limitations within Discord.

You lot can use a font generation service such every bit Lingojam to create the font'south you want, and get results similar this:

Image 4 - Discord Text Formatting

I tried pasting a few of these fonts into Discord, and while information technology appeared to work for the cursive-looking fonts, it didn't work for the "block" font since Discord turned the "O" characters into an emoji:

Image 5 - Discord Text Formatting

The main takeaway hither is… information technology is absolutely possible to format custom fonts within Discord, but you may encounter issues depending on the fonts yous choose.

There have also been reports that this no longer works for long sentences of text, then beware of whatever potential font bug for long strings of words.

Fortunately, formatting short strings of text to use in short titles or sentences still appears to work great, so you can go ahead and utilise your custom fonts there.

Markdown Text 101: Digging Deeper

If you want to dig into Discord Markdown even further and learn some more than tips/tricks, then these are a few very helpful resources y'all can't miss.

The Markdown Tutorial

My favorite Markdown learning resource is very simply titled "The Markdown Tutorial". It walks you through Markdown stride by step with both instructions and live output of what your text volition look similar. This is a neat learning tool that I'd definitely recommend diving into for some deeper learning.

The Markdown Cheatsheet

Once yous've gone through some markdown tutorials and just want a quick reference to look dorsum on, in that location's this awesome Markdown Cheatsheet that lists every unmarried type of formatting you'd encounter.

The Official Discord Markdown Guide

And finally, there's the Official Markdown Guide from the Discord Team (it'due south on the website). It covers everything we talked about in this guide (with regards to chat formatting), but it doesn't become into as much particular virtually how we actually get each type of color. Information technology tin yet be a very useful reference if yous're looking for a quick refresher.

Now Information technology's Your Turn

And now the ball is in your courtroom — go out at that place and format/color some text!

Don't forget to bookmark this page every bit a resource for future use. Good luck, and have fun!


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