
What To Put In The "Note To Recruiters" On Linkedin

So... you've been using LinkedIn to search and connect with Recruiters in order to find the perfect chore. You lot're non alone, in 2021 LinkedIn reported over 740 1000000 users in more than 200 countries and territories across the globe and Recruiters use the platform every twenty-four hour period to find pinnacle talent like you.

Whether y'all're a Software Developer, Salesperson, Projection Manager, Marketing Specialist, Engineer, Research Fellow or Educatee - for the best chance of increasing your network and connecting with influential recruiters in your industry you need to ensure your first impression is its absolute best. To do this I propose a 3 stage approach, but in this article, I will mainly focus on messaging.

3 Phase Approach

1. Completely make full out and optimise your LinkedIn Contour, including professional person headshot, banner, optimised title with keywords (Use Teal to aid research keywords), full summary, employment history with descriptions, education, skills and endorsements section - again keyword-rich, certifications, courses, projects, organisations and more than... For a detailed description on how to optimise your profile check out my 'Top v LinkedIn tips to make your profile go noticed postal service here'

2. Make a list of all the companies/agencies that you would like to work for, if you're serious about your job search this list will exist fifty+ companies. Then apply the LinkedIn search bar to discover the visitor pages and click the people link - this will display a listing of all the employees that work at that particular company from CEO to the Janitor. Now use the search bar to observe specific roles like Recruiter, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Caput of Talent, Recruitment Consultant, HR Managing director, Recruitment Director.

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3. Next, you need to pick the right professionals to connect with and ship them a connection request... This is where you demand a elementary simply effective cold messaging strategy to ensure your connection request does not fall on deafened ears. If they accept your invitation, they'll go a 1st-degree connection. Then information technology's game on!

Keep it short and apply a telephone call to action (CTA)

Nobody wants to read a long message, then keeping your message brusque and simple is more often than not the best mode to go. The initial connection request message is only 300 characters so cull your words wisely. Don't waste time blowing smoke upwards their arse, or bravado your ain trumpet with a listing of achievements. Your profile (if optimised correctly, including a scattering of recommendations volition practise that for you). This costless CV & LinkedIn Optimization Guide volition assist.

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The real cardinal is to include a call to activeness. If you don't know what you lot want or make it clear, how will the person reading your message know how to respond? I would use 'Permit's connect' or 'please check out my profile to come across how I could aid'. Bottom line? When people say you can't get a job using social media, I laugh, considering you can. My clients attain this week in calendar week out using this strategy. If in dubiety only cheque my latest recommendations.

You also need to ensure your message is fault-free and the grammar is perfect. I suggest installing Grammarly - a free AI-powered writing assistant to assist you compose bold, clear and fault-costless writing online. It's an astonishing tool that works with LinkedIn messenger.

Initial LinkedIn outreach letters

Example i:

"Hi __________, I noticed that you lot are a recruiter in the _______ (proper name of city) area. I wanted to reach out to discuss potentially working together. I'm a ________________________(share your experience) and currently seeking new opportunities. I'd love to observe out if I may exist a fit for whatsoever of your current openings, and I'd also be happy to connect you with other professionals in my field.

Let'southward connect,


Instance 2:

"How-do-you-do _________, I see that you work for __________(proper name of recruiting agency). I wanted to accomplish out considering I'm currently exploring new opportunities. I've been working professionally in (name of manufacture) for (number of years), and I'm set up for my adjacent claiming! If you accept time, I'd love to talk most whether my background would make me a fit for whatsoever openings you take.

Permit'south connect,


Example 3:

"Hi _________, My name is __________ and I'm a __________. Merely looking to connect and share with others in the industry at this time. Please bank check out my profile to see how I could help!

Let'due south connect,


Example iv:

"Howdy _________, I saw you mention working with __________ companies here in __________. I am a __________ in __________, and I'1000 thinking of testing the waters. Can I ship you my CV and maybe nosotros tin work together?"

Let's connect,


Follow-Upwards LinkedIn bulletin to the recruiter after an accustomed connexion

Thank them for accepting the request.

Mention your interest in a specific role and what you can exercise to benefit the company they are hiring for. The bulletin should exist short, serve one purpose and include a phone call to activity (CTA).

Note: Don't forget to attach your CV / Resume in PDF format and I suggest using a unproblematic signature with your proper name, telephone number and electronic mail address. Also, ensure that your CV / Resume is portraying the all-time version of you lot and information technology's been specifically tailored for the audition. I suggest using a hybrid style CV that is ATS compliant for maximum touch and Teal to help research keywords for your CV, Resume and LinkedIn profile. There is likewise a good selection of ATS CV Templates here.


"Hi _________, thank you for accepting my connection request. I am interested in putting myself forward for any __________ roles in __________ (name sector) within __________ (name city). Feel gratis to check out my LinkedIn profile to see if I may be a fit for any of your electric current openings. Please detect attached my CV.

Can we schedule a call to discuss?

Kind regards,


Tel: ____________

Email: ____________"

I'1000 interested in what you think? Practise y'all have whatsoever other message / template examples that you could share with united states? Delight comment below...

For more than job seeker content follow Lee Woodrow  the Founder of Bigger Fish and learn how to state more interviews, better job offers and higher starting salaries.

If you feel that your personal make is not performing also as information technology should, feel free to reach out for a no-hassle conversation about your requirements and have the good turn your state of affairs around. Bigger Fish offers a complete range ofCV & LinkedIn Optimisation Packages that include 1-on-1 online zoom meetings where the expert coaches you on mod CV, Resume and LinkedIn best practices.


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